Winter With Us
Winter With Us
Pour yourself a Heady Topper and settle in to this one, folks. Two thirds of the p3 team descended on VT last March for a week-long, cold-toed, ClifBlok-fueled adventure. Oh, and a few broadcast spots were filmed in the process.
Partnering with venerated Director/DP combo of Jeff Ledelaytner and Campbell Brewer, we assembled a kickass but nimble crew who could not only ski or board, but could film while doing so. This shoot had it all: sleigh rides—check; sunrise Sno-cat rides—check; discreet fuori pista action—check! Our cast of eight battled the cold and wind, all while skiing AND looking beautiful. I guess that’s why they call them talent.
We filmed four locations per day, on- and off-mountain, coordinating a lifestyle stills shoot and a drone team at the same time. Huge thanks to the local establishments that welcomed us all week: Cork Wine Bar, Gentle Giants Sleigh Rides, The Stowehof, Black Cap Coffee, etc. — we literally would have been unable to pull this off without their hospitality.
Lessons learned:
• You can never have too many layers.
• Don’t leave your ski boots in the car the night before.
• Four wheel drive vehicles only.
• I repeat: four wheel drive vehicles only.
• The C200 (our b-cam) can fully recover after a trip into a snowdrift!
• Walkie-talkies. Have ‘em. 10-4.
Stowe Mountain Resort
Grove Marketing
p3 Maine
Jeff Ledellaytner
Brian Chin
Campbell Brewer