Flippin Mattresses
Flippin Mattresses
Agren is a longstanding Maine institution. They’ve been in business for more than 50 years, and have come to be known as the go-to store for high-quality and affordable home appliances. But there’s a problem with that: Agren sells mattresses, too. Good ones – factory direct, flippable and affordable. How do you breakthrough in a crowded category that has become more known for vacuum-sealing, overnight shipping and price slashing than quality products that give customers a good night’s sleep?
You create something that is not only instantly memorable but also works hard to hammer home the reasons-to-believe. We wrote a script that is chock-full of double entendres and then used a multi-generational ensemble cast to play up the comedy and the selling points. In post-production, we found just the right mix of fun and salesy-ness to create a spot that stands out and reminds viewers that Agren sells mattresses, too – good ones.
Flippin Radio
:30 regional ad