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Let's Go Live

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Let's Go Live

Maine Music Alliance x State Theater

The Maine Music Alliance was formed to create awareness around the amazing venues we have in our small (but mighty!) state. We partnered with them to create a PSA of sorts, encouraging would-be concert-goers to do their part by getting vaccinated before flocking back to these venues. We want more than anything to help MMA fill the house so our favorite artists can bring it down. This backstage one-taker at the State Theater is meant to create the anticipation we’re all feeling as the world opens back up and things (sort of) return to normal.

Big shout out to Red Vault for the amazing sound collab!

  • Maine Music Alliance

  • p3

  • CJ Lampman

  • Phil Cormier, Morgan Myer

  • Olivia Spinale

  • Brian Chin

  • Red Vault Audio

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